2 chicken breasts1 medium-sized red onion1 handful of black olives5 large tomatoes or 2 cans of chopped tomatoes3 tablespoons of olive oil¼ teaspoon of salt¼ teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper
Step 1
Wash the chicken breast and cut it into small pieces. Season it with the salt and pepper until you cover all sides. Peel and finely chop your tomatoes and onion. If you chose canned tomatoes half the job is done.
Step 2
Heat the olive oil in a non-stick pan and throw in the chicken and fry it until it gets cooked on the outside. Throw the chopped onions in the pan and mix together for a couple of minutes.
Step 3
After the onion gets soft get the tomatoes in, pour a glass of hot water on top and cover the pan. Leave it there until it boils down. This will make the chicken very very tender and tasty.